eBike & cycle map - "Rauszeit" in the district of Kelheim
The district of Kelheim has commissioned green-solutions to produce the Bike & Cycle Map.
The current Bike Flyer covers the Altmühl, Danube and Hallertau region and provides cyclists with information about the region’s cycle routes. The map basis for the bike map is data from the State Surveying Office, which was adapted by green-solutions for the specific project. The customer receives a customized map layout.
The themed tours are marked with different colors and pictograms on the map, so cycling enthusiasts can look forward to a water and sulphur tour, for example. A great bonus of this bike guide are the battery charging stations shown on the map. On the back, bikers can find further important information at a glance, such as the contact points for bike rental and bike repair.
The GPX files for the tours were supplied by the client and entered as tours in our tourinfra®.
An all-round successful project!