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Inn-Salzach Tourism Association


Jan. 2017 – Jun. 2020



Project report: Inn-Salzach cycling project

With the aim of establishing the Inn-Salzach region – consisting of the districts of Altötting and Mühldorf – as a cycling travel region, a cycle path network of around 1,500 kilometers was developed from 2017 onwards on behalf of the Inn-Salzach tourism association together with the municipalities and specialist authorities. This network was tested on site and uniformly signposted in accordance with FGSV specifications.
The focus was on creating an attractive cycle network that takes into account both the leisure and tourism sector as well as practical everyday connections. As part of the project, 24 themed routes were also developed, which not only incorporate existing long-distance cycle routes, but also offer interesting circular tours within the region. In addition to the uniform and clear signposting, selected points of interest were also signposted. Information boards have also been set up to provide local cyclists with a comprehensive overview of the cycling options in the region.
In 2020, the region was awarded the “RadReiseRegion” certificate by the ADFC. Even after completion of the project, the region continues to receive support from green-solutions for continuous optimization and was successfully recertified in 2023.

Feedback from our customer

Andrea Streiter
Tourismusverband Inn-salzach

Green-solutions successfully guided us through the entire RadReiseRegion process over a period of 21/2 years. The team led by Janina Bäumler successfully implemented all process steps and thus created the basis for the Inn-Salzach CycleTravelRegion. Thanks to the digital basis of the infrastructure in tourinfra, we believe we are well positioned for the further development of the cycling region.

Team for the implementation