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On the trail of the hop gardens…

The Kommunalunternehmen Strukturentwicklung (kus) Landkreis Pfaffenhofen a. d. Ilm has commissioned green-solutions with the project “Wanderkonzept Landkreis Pfaffenhofen a.d. Ilm”. Approx. 500 kilometers of hiking trails within 19 district communities will be newly recorded and signposted in coordination with the KUS and the communities. Common quality standards are defined and route and signposting plans are drawn up.

The aim is to improve the quality of the routes, provide uniform signposting and network them across the region. To ensure that the physical well-being is not neglected, the gastronomy on offer is also assessed.

The GPS-supported recording of the previous hiking trail signage and the new planning with tourinframobil is currently in full swing. After the field work, the signposting will be continued with tourinfra® and finalized from the system until the signs are ordered.

Photos: kus District of Pfaffenhofen

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