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The kick-off event on January 23 in Mühldorf was a successful start. Representatives from the 55 municipalities and districts of Altötting and Mühldorf were present, as well as District Councillors Georg Huber and Erwin Schneider. The Inn-Salzach Tourism Association initiated this meeting in order to jointly tackle the extensive Inn-Sazlach cycle path project.

The Inn-Salzach tourism association has commissioned green-solutions with the planning and implementation of the particularly cyclist-friendly cycle path concept in the Inn-Salzach region. Over 1300 kilometers of cycle path network will be newly mapped and signposted in coordination with the municipalities, authorities and neighboring districts. Common quality standards will be defined and a route and signage plan drawn up. The GPS-supported recording of the existing cycle route signage and the planning of the new cycle signs will take place in 2017. The planning on site will be carried out with the help of tourinframobil. After the field work, the signage will be created with tourinfra® and finalized from the system until the signs are ordered.

We are looking forward to this exciting project!

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